We're having a bit of a cold snap on the island! This is about as cold as it gets out here. With the windchill, it's about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, even though the days are sunny. We did get a dusting of rare snow! But it was literally gone before I got any pictures. It's been a bit of a struggle keeping the Airstream warm this week, so I thought I'd report on our winter survival! If the Airstream were better insulated, I don't think our little dickinson marine propane heater would have any problem keeping this trailer warm. But, since there's only a few inches of insulation in between two sheets of aluminum that separates us from the great outdoors, the little heater needs some help. We also run a space heater at the other end of the trailer to keep temps around 64 degrees while we are home, and then turn off the propane heater at night and whenever we aren't home. We are warm and toasty when things are heated up, it's just keeping it that way that is tough! The Airstream loses heat pretty quickly, as you can imagine. Fortunately, island cold spells don't last too long. We're already forecasted to be back to warmer temps (although rainy ones) next week.
Our other winter struggle so far has been condensation. We'd been told by other full-timers that it is a constant battle, and I'd agree with them. Storing anything against the wall by the floor is a no-no. We are very grateful that our bed design worked out so that no part of the mattress actually touches the walls - if it did, I think we'd have mildew issues.
It's hard to believe we've owned Blue for a little over a year now, and we're coming up on 6 months of living in her! Looking back, about this time last year our Airstream looked like the picture to the left. So nice to be snuggled in by our little fireplace enjoying our tiny home after all that hard work!
Wishing you warmth in your home and your hearts. It's the holidays so I can write mushy things like that :)