In September of 2012 we purchased a 1963 Airstream Land Yacht Overlander - all 26 feet of her - for $2,000. The trailer was a usable shell, but the interior needed to be completely gutted. We named the Airstream Blue Moon, and now we sing that song "Blue Moon...I saw you standing alone..." way more than we probably should, especially in little mouse voices like the three blind mice in the movie Babe. I digress. We live on an island off the coast of Washington state and we spent a winter renovating Blue (while living in a real house) with a plan to downsize our life and move in to our little trailer. Our goal was to keep the renovation costs pretty low, ultimately creating a low-cost living situation for ourselves and to become tiny homeowners! We made the leap to full-time Airstream-ing in June 2013, and lived in it for three years. In June 2016 we were able to buy our own home, but we still have our beloved Airstream, our first house. It's all about simple living... follow our blog to read about our remodeling fun (and frustration) and stories of living tiny in an Airstream with our fluffy dog!

Fluffy dog: Agnes